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 Shiori Nakami

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Shiori Nakami
Shiori Nakami

Posts : 2
AP : 6
Join date : 2012-05-11
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Shiori Nakami   Shiori Nakami Icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 8:15 pm

Shiori Nakami ShioriNakami

Shiori Nakami
{19} || {Female} || {Jounin} || {Nakami}

Basic Information

Full Name || Shiori Nakami
Preferred Name || Shi, Shio, Ori
Birth date || December 29th
Family or Guardians || Father- Yuto
Mother- Yua
Brother- Kaisa
Home Country || Land of Snow
Current Country || Land of Snow
Home Village || Village Hidden in the Snow
Current Village || Village Hidden in the Snow
Rank || Jounin
Clan || Nakami
Chakra Affinity || Water, Ice

Battle and Jutsu Information

  • Strength || 6
  • Agility || 5
  • Intelligence || 2
  • Chakra Control || 6
  • Chakra Amount || 6
  • Stamina || 3
  • Ninjutsu || 6
  • Genjutsu || 3
  • Taijutsu || 6

  • Substitution Jutsu
    Class: Supplementary
    With this technique, one replaces their own body with a block of wood or some other object, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. It's a basic ninjutsu even taught at the Academy, but it's a useful art that can be applied in variety of situations.

  • Transformation Jutsu
    Class: Supplementary
    Given all the missions ninja are assigned to - battle, intelligence gathering, diversions - this is a priceless ninjutsu. It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. This gives this technique an abundance of uses. The transformation of a skilled shinobi will be exactly like the genuine article, so it will be impossible to tell the two apart. On the other hand, a transformation performed by an inexperienced person will have obvious discrepancies. It will be impossible to deceive anyone with it. This is one of the most basic ninjutsu, as such most shinobi know how to perform it.
    The transformation technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts mental strain on an inexperienced ninja. Thus the best way to determine if it is indeed a transformation is to cause this strain upon the user; though this is of course not always successful.

  • Water Style: Water Beast
    Class: Offensive
    Range: All
    The user manipulates water and transforms it into a giant wolf-like beast. The beast can launch powerful streams of water from its mouth, or sweep the area with its claws to let a powerful torrent of water to wash away the enemies.

  • Water Style: Mouth of the Serpent
    Class: Offensive
    Range: Long
    This technique allows the user to generate a spinning column of water which will take the form of a snake with a gaping jaw. This snake can twist and follow its targets and swallow them. After it has swallowed them, it turns into a river that carries the enemy away.

  • Water Clone Jutsu
    Class: Supplementary
    The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it cannot travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.

  • Summoning Jutsu
    Class: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
    The Summoning Technique is a space–time ninjutsu that allows the summoner to transport animals across long distances instantly. Before an animal summoning can be performed, a prospective summoner must first sign a contract with a given species. The contract comes in the form of a scroll, on which the contractor uses their own blood to sign their name and place their fingerprints and once signed is valid even after the contractors death. After this they need only offer an additional donation of blood on the hand they signed the contract with, mold their chakra with hand seals and then plant the hand they signed the contract with at the location they wish to summon the creature. The amount of chakra used during the summoning determines how powerful the summoned creature can be. In the anime, it was shown that if a user attempts to summon an animal without first signing a contract, the user will be teleported to the home of the animal they have a natural affinity for. It should be noted that anyone can summon a contracted animal as long as they have the blood from someone who has made a contract, the seal of the summoned creature, along with a source of sufficient chakra that the summon will accept. A creature is capable of determining who is attempting to summon it from the chakra used. While most summoners have only been shown capable of summoning one type of creature, Pain (through the Animal Path) has been seen summoning several different animals and even people. Pain does not provide a blood offering when performing a summon. Sasuke Uchiha has summoned snakes and hawks at different points, but unlike Pain he can apparently only summon one species at a time. The ability to perform a summoning can be removed with the Contract Seal. Once summoned, the animal can perform a task or help the user in battle. The summon is not required to help the user, and may be more of a hindrance than an ally. In addition, summons are able to summon their summoner. They may also wear a forehead protector, suggesting a loyalty to only one village.

  • Water Style: Ice Darts
    Class: Offensive
    Range: Short-Mid
    The user shoots numerous darts of ice from their mouth at high speeds which can shatter rock.

  • Water Style: Exploding Water Shock Wave
    Class: Offensive, Supplementary
    Range: All
    The user spits out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks. The amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used. Afterwards, the excess water can be used for additional Water Release techniques.

  • Ice Release: Protective Ice Dome
    Class: Defensive
    Range: Short
    The user can quickly create an ice dome around his allies and self to act as a defence. It is strong enough to withstand the assault of many exploding tags at once, remaining almost undamaged.

  • Ice Release: Ice Spikes
    Class: Offensive, Defensive
    Range: Short-Mid
    This jutsu allows the user to create spikes of ice of any size that come up from the ground. The more moisture there is in the soil, the less chakra the jutsu requires.

  • Ice Release: Ice Armor
    Class: Defensive
    Range: Short
    The user freezes a thick layer of ice over top of jos skin, making it hard for attacks to hit him unless the ice is broken. However, the chakra infused into this ice allows it to stand the hottest of temperature and the strongest of melee attacks; inside the ice the user can comfortably continue performing jutsus as it is not cold enough to change the body temperature.

  • Ice Release: Parasitic Ice
    Class: Defensive, Supplementary
    Range: Short-Mid
    These technique enables the user to freeze anything he touches. Then he can make the ice continue to engulf the object or victim until they are completely covered. The thickness, depth, and durability of the ice depends on the amount of chakra poured into the jutsu. For example, when in contact with someone, the user can either make a layer of ice form over the skin and trap the victim, or he could freeze the water within the body and litterally turn his body into ice and hence shatter him into pieces.

Equipment ||


Paper Bombs

Smoke Bombs

Mental, Physical, and Other Details

  • Weight || 141 lbs.
  • Height || 5" 9"
  • Eyes || Onyx
  • Hair || Black
  • Physical Description ||Shiori has pale skin and long black hair that ,though is usually pulled into a ponytail, reaches to the middle of her back, and bangs covering over her left dark onyx eye. The unscratched Yukigakure headband hangs around her neck. Underneath everything, she wears a fishnet shirt, which is then covered by her black jacket with furred hood and sleeves. And then she wears her chakra armor chest-plate on top of it all. Leggings cover her legs down to her knees, the few bottom inches of the material being mesh, and her black furred boots go up to her knees.

Physical Health Issues? || N/A

Mental Health Issues? || Shiori is a happy person to an abnormal extent. Coupled with believing life holds no value, and her insistence on killing evil doers, Shiori's mentality has been questioned by her family.

Personality || Shiori is a crazy, outgoing female who finds amusement in tormenting, humiliating, making fun of, and pranking others, though only when she feels especially close to them. She is childish beyond all reason and LOVES to play games. Sweet food is her favorite, especially chocolate, and she can often be found drinking sake extensively. However, to add a strange twist, Shiori never shows any kind of emotion except for bubbly, playful happiness. She also has a strange view on the world, and does not, to any extent, value life. She won't kill innocents, or other shinobi who are simply doing their duty, but while civilians and children are not touched, she doesn't have a problem hacking down other shinobi who get in her way or others who commit evil in front of her. Death is simply another part of life, and she will help those who deserve to be punished and sent to hell down their path.

  • Gambling
  • Sweets
  • Fun

  • Being told to calm or quiet down
  • Serious people
  • The heat

Sexual Orientation || Straight

History || Shiori was born on December ninth into a middle class clan. Both of her parents were shinobi, her older brother, Kaisa, and her following in their footsteps. Even as a child she was happy; her spirits never seemed to be down no matter the occasion. Her brother and her were extremely close; he was her best friend; her confidant and they did everything together.

It was her father first. As any other shinobi, he was on a mission when he was killed. She was six and her brother was nine when the daimyo told the family that their father would not be returning home. Even now she remembers how everyone cried; her mother, her brother, her aunt and uncles, even her little cousin, but all she could do was smile. The family tried to pass it off as Shiori not understanding what had happened, but she did understand; she just couldn't find it in herself to be sad. There was no doubt in her mind that where ever he was, her father was happy. So why should she have been sad when he was not? It wasn't like she would never see him again; she would just have to wait until her time came to do so.

Shiori still worked hard to become a kunoichi which her clan could be proud of; training and growing with the help of her brother and little cousin, Ito. Quickly she gained control over the kekkei genkai, Kori no, having mastered it by the age of twelve; however, that wasn't unusual within the clan. Most children mastered their kekkei genkai before the age of thirteen. She and her squad got along amazingly well, and Ito's and her team trained together constantly once the cousin passed the genin exams a year later. The girl on her cousin's team was actually an academy student who had moved from Kiri to Yuki and she was awfully distant to most. Finding it strange how she would try to set herself apart from others, Shiori naturally pushed her company onto the girl. Her persistence prevailed, and Miyo and Shiori became close friends. However, that frienship didn't last long once Miyo disappeared, having left the village not even a year later.

It was again, eight years later, that the family felt that same pain when Kaisa was killed in a small skirmish with a neighboring country. Now that Shiori was older, her family had expected her to mourn and cry over her brother's death, especially seeing at how close they were; however, their expectations were not met. Soon the family became weary of and concerned for her. What kind of person was she to not feel remorse and sadness when the closest person to her was killed? Things began to change, people began to act differently towards her, more so than usual. They weren't mean or cruel, but they were cautious around her, as if her cheeriness now bothered them. As much as she loved her home, Shiori and her family agreed it would be "good for her health" if Shiori left and traveled the world. So that's what she did, simple as that, and she wasn't mad, or even slightly upset; she understood.

Her journies took her all over the place and her name as the 'Maiden of the Snow' grew. Though, with few job opportunities, or any other way to earn money, she soon found herself looking for ways to survive, taking any type of job that came her way. With what money she did have and when she managed to find herself in a town, she usually loitered around the tea houses or taverns.

Wandering through the lands with no destination in mind, Shiori managed to find a small village within Lightning Country that often needed her help with various things, so she managed to get money from that. Spending so much time within Lighting Country, word of a Yuki-nin helping out citizens made it to the Raikage, and she grew curious about this kunoichi and visited the village in which she usually staid at. The two got along well despite their different natures, and so, whenever there's a special job that needs to be done, Lady Ikichi sends Shiori a message.
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Shuei Setsuna
Shuei Setsuna

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Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Shiori Nakami   Shiori Nakami Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 9:33 am

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