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 Character Application

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Aero Kite
Aero Kite

Posts : 2
AP : 6
Join date : 2012-05-11
Age : 32
Location : Okinawa, Japan

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PostSubject: Character Application   Character Application Icon_minitimeFri May 11, 2012 6:07 am

Finished and ready to be critiqued!
Full Name: Aero Reynaldo Kite

Nickname/Preferred Name: Rey

Birth Date: Feb. 2nd

Family or Guardians:

Reymand - Father - 39
Aurora - Mother - 38
Sylvana - Sister - 19

Home and Current Country: Land of Fire

Home and Current Village: Hidden Leaf Village

Rank: Chunin

Clan: Aburame

Chakra Affinity: Earth


  • Strength: 2

  • Agility: 3

  • Intelligence: 6

  • Chakra Control: 6

  • Chakra Amount: 5

  • Stamina: 4

  • Ninjutsu: 5

  • Genjutsu: 3

  • Taijutsu: 1


  • Insect Clone Technique - A secret technique exclusive to the Aburame clan, where thousands of kikaichū are gathered in one place to take on the appearance of the user or anyone else the user wishes. (Clan Technique)

  • Insect Cocoon Technique - This unique technique allows the user to accelerate the speed of their insects' development. (Clan Technique)

  • Insect Gathering Technique - By simply touching a surface with their palm and fingers, the user releases a small web of chakra that draws bugs to that location. (Clan Technique)

  • Insect Jar Technique - This technique uses kikaichū as a shield by having them fly in a dome shape at high speed, similar to the Hyūga's Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven after the user ends the hand signs. (Clan Technique)

  • Insect Sphere Technique - This technique covers the enemy's entire body with the kikaichū living inside the Aburame clan member's body. The chakra sensing Kikaichū spread over a wide range. The moment they locate the enemy, the insects, following the user's orders, gather at once. The insects completely surround the target, making a globe. They restrain the enemy and start eating away at their chakra bit by bit. (Clan Technique)

  • Earth Release: Earth Sphere - The user flows chakra through all parts of their body causing it to become noticeably darker, which increases their defensive power to its utmost limits by making the skin as hard as diamond. Furthermore, the destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great all-purpose technique. (B-rank)

  • Earth Release: Earth Shore Return - After striking the ground with their hands, the user creates a large wall of earth in front of him. The defence is not perfect though, since a hard or drilling impact such as the Spiked Human Bullet Tank technique can puncture the wall. Also, since this technique only guards frontal attacks, the enemy can easily attack from the side or even from above. (C-rank)

  • Body Flicker Technique - A high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. (D-rank)

  • Earth Style: Headhunter Technique - This conceals the user underground and drags their target down into the earth. (D-rank)

  • Manipulated Shuriken Technique - With this technique a translucent string, both elastic and highly durable, is attached to a shuriken, making it possible to alter its path after having thrown it. (D-rank)

Appearance: In tradition with his clan, he does not often wear anything less than long sleeves and slacks when out in public. A long sleeve shirt underneath a hooded coat would commonly be seen, hanging low over slacks of varying dark colors. Physically, his hair is black and wavy, hanging just below his ears; eyes a smooth brown and skin a healthy pale tint. He stands about 5'6", weighing in at about 135 lbs.

Physical Health Issues: Though there isn't any real medical issue with his eye sight or fair skin, he follows the way of the Aburame clan, always wearing some form of shades and heavily covered clothing.

Mental Health Issues: Not entirely sure how he developed such a fear, Aero is almost stunned whenever he is introduced into a closed in area, or is given the sensation of the "walls closing in." He does not usually tell anyone this though, since it can be used against him with the simplest of genjutsus.

Personality: Although he is usually indifferent to most people he has known for a while, he always seem to come off as a bit suspicious when meeting someone for the first time, mostly due to his curiousity. A calculated, controlled upbringing within the Aburame clan has not killed his sense of humor however and he has no problem laughing at a joke, though not usually offering any himself.


  • Sweets
  • Reading
  • Soy Ramen
  • Rainy Days


  • Spicy Food
  • Nonwarned Physical Affection
  • Hot Days
  • Writing

Sexual Orientation:



His body has become a hive, just as the other ninja members of his clan have done, but his beetles are dark green, rather than the common black kikaichu. There is no other difference though, other than color.


The Aburame clan has a long history within the Hidden Leaf Village, having been around since even the beginning and standing alongside the rest in the last war. Aero was born to a father with some influence, even if he was not a shinobi himself; and a mother who gave up her rank of Jonin soon after giving birth to her first child. The combination of these parents gave Aero a comfortable lifestyle within his clan's influence. Their mother offered some childhood training to both her children before they were old enough for the academy, mostly teaching small lessons that trained ones chakra control. His sister had made Chunin fairly quickly, but gave up her life as a konoichi just like her mother once she decided to marry a member of her squad. She was content with being a housewife, already showing signs of being with child. Aero hoped not to fall that odd big of family tradition, though he was certain getting pregnant was out of the question anyways.
Due to his early start with chakra control practice and the fact he was so smart, Aero developed quickly to the academy level. Social skills were another question. He had spent the majority of time with his mother learning, or with others in his clan, so introduction into such a diverse group had forced him out of his comfort zone. He continued to try and keep to his reserved nature, but found he could never hold back a laugh. This allowed him to at least gain some friendships, albiet with the more "class clown" type of students. Aero's grades did not suffer from this, so he was not concerned. Although, displaying such a lack of control when laughing did not go over well with his father when it occured in public.
Finding himself understanding the social sublties as he grew older, Aero had enough friends to keep himself content, those from the Aburame clan were of a different "circle" though. The two did not usually intermingle, but Aero was less of a go between and had found himself having to pick and choose one over the other at times. Still, he trained hard in his studies and ninja skills, earning a bit of renown for his skills in tactics. HIs chunin exams had indeed been the most difficult thing he had ever gone through, but the challange was refreshing and only renewed Aero's desire to learn more.
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Arakune Ikichi
Arakune Ikichi

Posts : 17
AP : 49
Join date : 2012-05-07
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Character Application   Character Application Icon_minitimeSat May 12, 2012 5:20 pm

Yup! You're all good! Welcome to the site!
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